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Official monthly releases are tentatively scheduled for installation on our cloud environments on the Sunday of the first full weekend of each month unless the following Monday happens to be an Integrify holiday. If that Monday is an Integrify holiday, the release will be pushed to the next weekend. The release notes and download will be available to OnPremise customers on this page on the Tuesday following the cloud release. To download, click the version number of your choice. If you need assistance installing or updating, log into our support site and submit a help ticket requesting assistance.
All downloadable releases below are all-inclusive (not patches), so using the most recent is always recommended.
NOTE: See notes from the June 2018 release (70.180.6101) and February 2019 (70.190.2102). If you are updating from any version prior, to any version after those releases, there are important additional steps necessary to assure the application runs properly.
NOTE: Starting with the October release (70.181.0101) we have begun implementation of a security fix that needs to be implemented over several maintenance releases. If you have used form script to change the query used by a Search Box field on the form, you must change your approach to use the additional query parameters described in Phase 3, below.
- With Phase ONE's implementation, we added an "Enable client-side SQL query editing" checkbox to the SearchBox field configuration, but continue to allow client-side manipulation of the SQL query via form script regardless of the checkbox status.
- Phase TWO (70.181.1102) allowed Search Box query changes by script, but only if the "Enable client-side SQL query editing" checkbox in the SearchBox question configuration is checked. When not checked (default), query changes are blocked.
- Phase THREE (70.190.2102) added a Query Parameters tab to Search Box fields to define additional query parameter to use in the field’s DB Query. All Search Box fields which have queries updated by the form script must be changed to use the new query parameters prior to Phase 4, as support for those changes will stop.
- Phase FOUR will remove the "Enable client-side SQL query editing" checkbox and discontinue support for script changes to the Search Box DB Query.
Release Notes version 70.240.9101 | (TBD) |
- 2876 - When changing the time of Processes Tasks that are in progress using the Change Dates option via Manage Requests, the time entered doesn't persist as it reverts back to whatever it was before the change. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-18220)
- 2891 - When a process is configured to Prefill a Form field with the "Completed Date" of different task, no value is passed so the Prefilled Form field remains empty. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-18928)
- 2893 - Within the Grid question type, the Grid Footer is not displaying on Completed Forms if one of the columns is hidden via JavaScript. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-19142)
- 2895 - The Date column within a grid stores data in a '2024-06-22T04:00:00.000Z' format, which is inconsistent with the a regular Calendar question that saves as 2024-06-22. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-20100)
- 2901 - The Rich Text column values within Reports are being cut off at the bottom. A fix for this has been implemented where a new Rich Text column format option has been added to Reports to fully render the values. (HT-19803)
- 2905 - When viewing the lists of Requests via Monitor or Manage Requests, there are some requests that are missing while paging through the lists. A fix for this has been implemented.
Release Notes version 70.240.5102 | (2024/05/22) |
- 2115 - A Feature has been added to the Link question type allowing a link to be active while being configured as Read Only. This allows the User to click on a functional active link but not be able to modify it. (FR-1786)
- 2843 - Within a Form, Grid questions with Attachment Columns upload the attachments to the configured temp directory, but was not moving the files to the proper location within the attachments folder upon form submission. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-15142)
Release Notes version 70.240.5101 |
(2024/05/09) |
- 2842 - The PDF Merge task has been enhanced and now accepts multiple files on one attachment question type. (FR-15195)
- 2869 - The ability to push/save multiple Files from an Attachment question type configured to attach multiple Files all at once has been added to the Local File Copy task
- 2889 - A two built in mappings for Filename and Extension has been added in the Local File Copy task where when used can add an extension to a Filename or leave the Filename extension as is. The "ORIG_FILENAME" will map to the Filename without an added extension. The "ORIG_EXT" will map to the Filename with an added extension.
- 2771 - The Form Assigner scheduled time that displays within the Task History is incorrect. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-11608)
- 2838 - When there is Script in a Form that is intended to run when the Form loads, and values are updated to display to the User, that Script runs not only on Form load but also each time the User toggles from Completed Form to Print view. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-14364)
- 2874 - The Local File Copy task is not copying files that are created by the PDF Merge task and the Local File Copy task completes as though the copy did work. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-17765)
- 2877 - Users are unable to see the configurations for the Excel Import task as they don’t display but they are there and the task runs successfully. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-18263)
- 2880 - When a User imports a Process containing a Form with a Notification configured with an Attachment, the imported Process results in the Form’s notification being blank. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-18381)
- 2881 - If a Grid question type has a footer that calculates the sum of a numeric value, they would not display in a Request's Task History and would throw errors. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-18362)
- 2882 - When attempting to use the Local File Copy task using a PDF file that was generated by a PDF Generator task, an exception error is thrown. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-18385)
- 2883 - If a Process had a User/Users configured in a specific Role within the Roles & Permissions, they would not get copied over when the Process was Versioned. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-18390)
- 2885 - The Read Only setting within the Link question type doesn't retain the "Read Only" setting when a User refreshes the browser or views another area of the system and then returns to edit the Link question again. A fix for this has been implemented.
- 2890 - a fully configured PDF Merge displays the Recipient icon with the triangle and exclamation mark erroneously indicating that it's not configured. A fix for this has been implemented.
Release Notes version 70.240.1101 | (2024/1/23) |
- 2873 - Non-American Calendar question formats such as Day/Month/Year do not work with the Date question type. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17865)
Release Notes version 70.231.1101 | (2023/11/3) |
- This release creates/updates a view to allow proper visibility of membership owners in role views. Make sure to follow these instructions after updating your application.
- 2784 - When a User is editing an other User's Profile, the name of the User being edited populates above the profile page next to the words "Edit User" (FR-11586).
- 2809 - Added the ability to paste or embed a link in the discussion post giving Users the ability to click on it to access the link's target url.
- 2855 - In Role Membership views, we improved the header to describe what was being managed. We also added the membership owner column which list the location in the object tree where the roles are assigned. In addition you can click the shield icon and go directly to that level if you have permissions to. This in turn cleaned up errors when nested or duplicate assignments were found.
- 2859 - When a User adds help text to a question within the configuration, the Help window for that question now defaults to the size of the help text and then adds a scroll bar if the text is too big to fit the screen (FR-16636).
- 2852 - If a User is running two separate processes on two different tabs, refreshing one running process in one tab will redirect the User to the other process running in the other tab. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-16266).
- 2853 - When viewing a request via Managed Request, an options window pops up when hovering over the current task that should display Reset, Redo, Set Recipients and Change Dates options but no popup displays when the current task was looped back around again within the process stream. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-16407).
- 2854 - Grid currency completed forms changes to whatever currency format is currently configured in the process. For example: if the grid currency was Japanese Yen when the process was ran one day and then the currency was changed to Euro today, the completed form for the Japanese Yen would render as a Euro format when viewed. A fix for this has been implemented
- 2856 - Within the Limits configuration for Reports, if a User selected any individual version other than version 1 for the "report data for the following version(s)" option, no process records were returned. A fix for this has been implemented.
- 2857 - In Request Management - Task List, tasks that required All recipients or recipients in order failed to show the reset, redo completion, and assign recipient icons once the first in order or first listed completed their task. This has been remedied.
- 2858 - If a User delegates another User to a Task via Delegation or the User Replace menu and that User is already assigned to it, the Task will fail. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-16573)
- 2860 - When a User exports a list of questions to .csv, the exported file stops right before a "#" symbol if any form fields contain a "#" symbol in the label. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-16637).
- 2861 - When a User is re-configuring the assignment form mappings for the Form Assigner, the assignment form mappings list is blank when the User replaces a previously mapped form then re-configures the same form back again and tries to re-add the mappings in the Form Assigner again. The Form Assigner will require the User to "Remove Mappings" first before new mappings can be added again even though no mappings are displayed. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-16539).
- 2864 - When filling out a form, the calendar question listed previously selected dates as an 'auto-fill' in a window in front of the calendar, blocking part of it. This issue has been fixed so the browser will ignore calendar questions for auto-filling.
- 2866 - The Calendar question type no longer allows the selection of Min or Max dates on Validation. The calendar icons appear to be disabled and the entry fields no longer display. A fix for this has been implemented.
- 2867 - The Link Question type and form labels are replacing question marks with other characters on submission effectively corrupting the links and changing the labels. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-16869, HT-17067).
Release Notes version 70.230.9102 | (2023/09/22) |
- 2863, 2865 - Fixed an issue where the Task Start Rule would not evaluate when a Field "is empty" so processes would halt when this condition was met (HT-16783). Note: there is a DB script in this update. It adds the appropriate null values back to the database and allows for proper task redo actions to occur.
Release Notes version 70.230.9101 (no download) | (2023/09/01) |
- 2862 - Fixed an issue where submitted form data would not display in the task history of the request detail when the completed task was expanded
Release Notes version 70.230.8101 (no download) | (2023/08/21) |
- 2481 - When a process is configured with the “Allow Ad-hoc Related Requests” toggle engaged (located in the Process Detail section of the process) and the process is executing, a User attempting to select the Parent for this Request option would receive an erroneous Permission Denied error, before the system correctly displayed a dialog asking if the User wanted to leave this request. A fix for this has been implemented that would prevent the erroneous Permission Denied error from being displayed
- 2530 - When a Grid question is inserted and displayed in a Notification, it was misaligned and displayed incorrectly if some columns didn’t contain data. A fix has been implemented so that if some columns are empty, the Grid alignment is correct (HT-8895)
- 2549 - The Grid Currency question has several currency types, such as US, Euro, and Japanese Yen. These currency types and others did not display a currency symbol in Notifications. A fix for this has been implemented, and now currency symbols display in Notifications for the Grid currency question (HT-4623)
- 2649 - While a user entered a value in a cell towards the bottom of a grid question, the next cell that would be highlighted was back at the top instead of the next cell. A fix for this has been implemented so that after entering a value in a cell, the next cell is now highlighted (HT-6406, HT-7050, HT-7611)
- 2667, 2691 - If the 'Status' of a task was inserted into a notification, nothing was inserted into the notification at runtime. A fix for this has been implemented so that the task status now displays in the notifications (HT-12534, HT-7255)
- 2687 - When permissions were configured on Forms at the top category level, those permissions were not being inherited/carried at the form level. This resulted in the users not gaining access to forms they should have had access to. A fix for this has been implemented so that permissions now get inherited down to the forms level when configured up at the top level (HT-7614)
- 2708 - Users with no manage or monitor permissions to requests could Monitor or Manage them if they were given a manage or monitor link from a user with access. A fix has always been implemented to check permissions for all Users attempting to access requests through Monitor or Manage, including when the URL is pasted into their browser from an Admin User with permissions (HT-8194, HF-20201022, HT-8344, HF-20201028)
- 2730 - The "Email From Address Override" within a task's notification settings was not functioning. The specified email address was not being used as the sender. A fix for this issue was implemented, and the override now functions (HT-9019)
- 2734 - The 'Select Process' filter was not functioning in Monitor/View My Requests search function. A fix for this has been implemented so that Users can now search by Process for requests they have permission to.
- 2736 - When using Reports, if a report contains a filter where the value contains an ampersand (such as "R&D"), and a user attempts to export the returned records, the export will fail, and errors will be displayed. A fix for this has been implemented so that exports will no longer fail when an ampersand is used. (HT-9249, HT-10412)
- 2745 - When viewing an expanded form task in the Task History of a Request Detail, the values for any grid questions would also be displayed in the browser's Developer Tools console. A fix for this has been implemented to prevent the values from being displayed in the console, as it was unnecessarily exposing data.
- 2761 - When entering data into calendar questions on a mobile device and using the "previous month" arrow, the calendar would disappear for every month the user clicked back. The user had to click on a calendar again to populate the desired month and then select the date. A fix for this has been implemented so the calendar no longer disappears when selecting a previous month on iOS and Android mobile devices (HT-11190)
- 2779 - Within the configuration settings of a PDF Merge task, The 'clear selection button' was not working for the 'Task to generate...' fields. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-11811, HT-13261)
- 2833 - From the form editor, configuring a calendar question type to hide using the "Hidden" check box option would prevent using the left arrow key in Text Fields on the same form at runtime. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-13733)
- 2841 - If a user entered a zero in a form's required calendar question, the question would bypass its validation, and the form would be submitted without error. This caused errors in the task’s notification and in the browser's dev tools if opened by the User. A fix for this has been implemented to disallow zero as valid input into a calendar question. (HT-14953)
- 2843 - Grid questions with attachment columns were normally uploaded to a temporary directory but not moving the files to their final destination upon form submission. This caused issues for those that periodically cleared out their temporary upload directory. A fix for this has been implemented, so files are stored in a permanent location alongside all other attachments. (HT-15142)
- 2845 - When looping back on itself in a process, the Local File Copy Task was incorrectly uploading all previous attachments passed to the task in all previous iterations. It should only upload the last, most current attachment to the task. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-15536)
- 2846 - Nothing is returned when a user executes a report containing a filter based on a search box question in a form and clicks the magnifying glass to search for a value. A fix has been implemented to display a text box for the report filter instead, providing the user with proper input. (HT-15748)
2847 - When users open a request in monitor mode and 'drag' in the flow view if the pointer happened to be on a transition line, the process was erroneously saved. No changes were registered, but the modified date would be set and modified by would be changed to the user that did the dragging in the flow view. A fix for this has been implemented, so this no longer occurs. (HT-15815)
- 2848 - When entering certain non-alphanumeric character values, such as an ampersand, in the subject line of a task notification, the character would show as its encoded value in the email received. A fix for this was implemented, so this no longer occurs.
- 2851 - When a User entered data into, for example, a Long Text field in a Request and the Request was saved as a Draft but the Long Text field was over the Character allowed limit, a record for it was created/saved in an extended table but later if the User were to open the same Request and modify the data in the Long Text field to an allowed Character amount, the record would still be saved in the extended table but it should've been deleted since the field Character amount was within the field limits. A fix for this was implemented (HT-12613, HT-12572)
- 2421 - Added the 'Completed Task Link' option to the 'Task' source to include a direct link to a completed form in task notifications. Additionally, users can give the link a more "friendly name" via custom text.
- 2831 - Added an option to force additional restricted access to requests. The settings are in the Process's 'Process Detail' tab. When enabled, it will limit access to requests only to participants (users assigned tasks) (FR-13545)
- 2849 - The "Task" Source Option has been added to Notification Prefills, Task Rules, Task Recipient Rules, Task Dynamic Names, Form Task Prefill Settings, Query Parameters, and Variable Mappings. This allows the User to access "Task" data such as Status, Date completion, Date Assigned, and more, giving additional granularity for process flow management and data extraction.
- 2850 - In the process editor, within a task's Notification Settings, when selecting a Request as the source and "Request Link" or "Task Link" for insertion, an additional input box no exists to give the links a more "friendly name" via custom text
Release Notes version 70.221.2101 | (2022/12/23) |
- 2832, 2834 - Added the OAuth2 capabilities to Email Monitor (FR-13637, FR-13672).
Release Notes version 70.221.0101 | (2022/10/01) |
- Added the ability to use a redis db other than 0.
Release Notes version 70.220.9103 | (2022/09/27) |
- 2823 - The Search box Query parameter mapping no longer has an incorrect duplicate form query parameter within the form advanced settings
- 2824 - Number questions no longer have inconsistent Answer values when validation fails
- 2826 - TaskName is now on the intForm object for completed forms
- 2827 - Completed Forms Opens a New Tab and now Loads Data (HT-13413)
Release Notes version 70.220.9102 | (2022/09/22) |
- 2792 - BACKED OUT upgraded newer Paging method - You may experience an issue with the new paging if you access a custom report through the API (or export) and the query has a blank line or comment as it's first line.
- 2744 - Grids with Data are now displaying In the Task History when the "Hide Unanswered Questions" option is selected
- 2762 - Now able to version and copy large processes with large amounts of transitions
- 2769 - When importing a versioned process such as version 2, the version is now correctly represented in the Process Detail (HT-11508)
- 2772 - The Notification Attachment links for configured attachments now functions and successfully downloads the attachments (HT-11086)
- 2788 - Fixed Server utilization affected by process transitions and t condition configuration (HT-12052)
- 2802 - The form rule "set answer w/ value" to blank now allows form submission (HT-12375)
- 2808 - Calendar questions now save the answer value if the Calendar question is hidden when the value of the answer is set via JavaScript (HT-12294)
- 2812 - The Completed forms now display the correct response value for all recipients on a form task (HT-12610)
- 2821 - The Group database record is no longer deleted when a user is removed from a Group
- 2822 - The Grid alignment is no longer off in the Task History when a section containing the grid is hidden on the form load
Release Notes version 70.220.4102 | (2022/04/26) |
- 2800 - Groups can again be added as members of groups (HT-12304) #2800
Release Notes version 70.220.4101 | (2022/04/24) |
- 2550 - The Display Setting, "Only Show Task Tab (hide Detail, Flow, and Discussion tabs)", is Now functioning
- 2793 - Form Rule subgroup buttons are enabled and functional and Form Rules are accessible by Users with only ViewConfig permissions with the Save button disabled
- 2792 - Upgraded to newer Paging method - You may experience an issue with the new paging if you are accessing a custom report through the API (or export) and the query has a blank line or comment as it's first line.
- 2794 - Save Draft is now available to call from form script
- 2795 - An intForm.formState property has been implemented which now provides a representation of how a Form has been loaded for Preview, Runtime and Completed Forms
Release Notes version 70.220.3102 | (2022/03/19) |
- 2790 - added groups back to role membership editor (HT-12083)
Release Notes version 70.220.3101 |
(2022/03/15) |
- 2776 - Groups are no longer displaying as an option to add to Recipients via Manage Requests - only Contacts are displaying now (HT-11681)
- 2778 - A Form with hidden Grids is now able to be submitted without errors (HT-11766)
- 2781 - Select lists containing parenthesis within a long label are now displaying within the body of task notification configurations (HT-11707)
Release Notes version 70.220.2101 | (2022/02/08) |
- 2644 - The Create New ID option is now working as expected when Importing a Process (HT-11466)
- 2770 - The Date question type Date format is now rendering correctly for Guest Users (HT-11579)
- 2773 - Existing process Forms with empty Grids no longer fail on submission (HT-11584)
Release Notes version 70.220.1102 | (2022/01/29) |
- 2774 - Question Types with DB Query Parameters no longer fail on Form Save Draft
- 2775 - The Aggregate label is no longer displaying in the Footer of a Grid within Task History, Completed Forms and Print View (HT-11671)
- 2777 - Now able to Edit and Add Grid Select lists options
Release Notes version 70.220.1101 | (2022/01/14) |
- 2543, 2544, 2647 - Email Monitor attachments now working properly. (HT-6178, HT-11500)
- 2760 - Forms containing Grids with Select Lists are no longer failing on submit
- 2766, 2767 - copy and version buttons no longer grayed out on forms (HT-11501)
- 2768 - Form Rules are editable again (HT-11498)
- 2719 - Form Sections are now expandable/collapsable using JavaScript with setting
Release Notes version 70.211.2102 | (2021/12/15) |
- 2756 - The Signature question type is no longer being passed to a prefilled form
- 2757 - Prefilled Date is no longer replaced with Current Date even if prefilled Date validation rules are set for future dates only (HT-10944)
- 2763 - The Form Assigner Task is now Queueing Recipients
- 2764 - Report columns are now refreshing when paging through a report (HT-11256)
Release Notes version 70.210.8101 | (2021/08/13) |
- 2750 - Signature validation message no longer displaying when signature present
- updated ADSync to exclude iapprove and guest from auto disabling (HT-10204)
Release Notes version 70.210.7101 | (2021/07/09) |
- 2696 - Date fields are now sorting correctly within reports when in descending order (HT-7937, HT-9813)
Release Notes version 70.210.5101 | (2021/05/09) |
- 2743 - Approval task percentage rule is now calculating correctly (HT-9699)
- 2713 - A TimeZone label has been added to the User Profile
- 2735 - Form UI element shifting no longer occurs when adding field values
Release Notes version 70.210.3101 | (2021/03/05) |
- 1779 - Group Search capability is now available (HT-17185, HT-4809, FR-5033, HT-5111, FR-5956, FR-8996, FR-9161)
Release Notes version 70.210.2102 | (2021/02/10) |
- 2727 - Files uploaded to Form Image Questions are now in a permanent location and will no longer be deleted
- 2731 generate-filekeys endpoint now only responds with 25 max (HT-9053)
- 2185 - REST Client can now capture failure codes
- AWS Lambda task now properly displays lambda functions from private accounts
Release Notes version 70.210.2101 | (2021/02/01) |
- 2714 - A Grid question type containing a Select List question no longer generates Notification errors
- 2401 - The Grid Attachment question type now renders correctly within notifications
Release Notes version 70.210.1101 | (2021/01/14) |
- 2711 - The Task Scheduler is now rendering in the correct format and time within the Task History
- 2720 - Optimization of form question mappings within Reports
Release Notes version 70.201.2102 | (2020/12/11) |
- 2715 - Variable Form Mappings are no longer null after selecting the SAVE DRAFT option and then reopening the Form (HT-8601)
- 2716 - sftp host name is now saving properly for scheduled reports
Release Notes version 70.201.0103 | (2020/10/30) |
- 2690 - Processes containing a PDF Generator task are now able to be versioned
- 2703 - Grid rows specified and grid height now renders as configured (HT-8167, HT-8181)
- 2707 - By adding code to scrub the CRLF within email subject lines, the error, “The specified string is not in the form required for a subject” has been resolved
- 2708 - Manage Request endpoints are now checking for access rights (HT-8194, HT-8344)
Release Notes version 70.201.0101 | (2020/10/06) |
- 2692 - Grid with column set to Row Aggregation no longer floods console with error
- 2697 - Form Rules now accepts the number '0' as an initial currency value within calculations (HT-7608)
Release Notes version 70.200.9101 | (2020/09/03) |
- 2695 - Form Rules now working when condition uses Is not Empty (HT-7864, HT-7863)
Release Notes version 70.200.8103 | (2020/08/28) |
- 2683 - The Print Preview of a Form containing 3 or more Grids no longer renders duplicates of the Form’s last Grid replacing the other Grids and it’s Data
- 2689 - Now able to consistently edit the cell of a Grid’s Select List during runtime
- Fixed missing approval and milestone endpoints for new installs (HT-7813)
- 2643 - Signature Label is now displayed in the User Profile
- 2679 - The Contact Search field now displays the (none) option after a group was first selected to filter by
- 2684 - Form Rule calculations now accept the number zero as a calculable value
Release Notes version 70.200.8102 | (2020/08/26) |
- 2471 - Processes containing a PDF Generator Task can now be versioned
Release Notes version 70.200.8101 | (2020/08/12) |
- 2471 - Grid footer no longer miscalculates totals for decimals (HT-3760)
- 2506 - Required Select List Grid column no longer rendering an asterisk within the displayed form value
- 2653 - Permissions are now inherited down to the workflows when used at the category level in Processes view (HT-6392, HT-7418)
- 2656 - The Report Detail "Created By" and "Modified Date" fields are no longer swapping values when saved
- 2664 - Calendar validation message is now displaying if empty when the Client ID is numeric or when changed to a non-numeric value
- 2665 - When a Task Rule is being used for a Select List question type and the rule operator is either “contains”, “does not contain”, “starts with" or "ends with”, the "value” field will now be a free text field, otherwise it will be a dropdown
- 2431 - The Grid's "Hide Column" option has been removed from the column menu
- 2652 - A Configurable option to deny access to IE browsers has been added. See the server-config.example.json file for setting. The message supports simple html tags.
- 2668 - A "Get Updates" menu option/link, which opens the Integrify Product Update page, has been added to the left nav - located in between the "Get Help" and "Administration" menu options
- 2675 - JavaScript "min/maxDate" still working for Date question type however, the following new min/maxDate public functions were added to future-proof the calendar question from breaking changes when large updates occur (HT-7377)
question.setMinDate(date); question.setMaxDate(date); - tinymce references no longer require internet connectivity
Release Notes version 70.200.5101 | (2020/05/18) |
- 2538 - Dashboard Administration is no longer available to Users with ONLY ViewConfig permissions
- 2641 - The Attachments option within the Process Detail is functioning normally and rendering the attachment(s) (HT-6641, HT-6732)
- 2659 - Selecting a row for deletion within a 20 plus row Grid no longer deletes more than just the row selected (HT-6741)
- 2660 - Restricting a User's view to a Role no longer allows said User to view restricted request details from the completed tasks
- 2651 - Added an IE Browser Detection feature
- Updated Mongo Drivers in application
NOTE: depending on your MongoDB backend version, you may need to add retryWrites=false to the end of your mongo connection string in webserver\mongo-config.js and scheduler\config.js
Release Notes version 70.200.4102 | (2020/04/21) |
- Fixed ADSync to allow AD attributes other than samaccountname as username with manager import
- fixed ADSync to keep Integrify System account active when deleteNonADUsers="true"
Release Notes version 70.200.4101 | (2020/04/13) |
- 2537 - Category Administration ability is no longer available to Users with ONLY ViewConfig permissions
- 2621 - The Report Filter now only filters on the last processed Iteration of a given Request
- 2626 - The Form Rule to Clear Checkboxes now functions and no longer breaks Form Rules triggered afterwards
- 2640 - Images can now be replaced, uploaded and dragged/dropped into the Form Image object
- 2648 - Task rules will now correctly evaluate values 999999.95 and 999999.97 (HT-6275)
- 2539 - Recipient Rules now have the ability to be re-ordered
- Adjusted treatment of Integrify System account by ADSync
- Improved behavior of protocol use during logon phase
Release Notes version 70.200.2101 | (2020/02/02) |
- 1191 - Calendar Question is no longer cutting off calendar icon and text
- 1707 - Form Builder Question Pencil/Edit & X/Delete Controls no longer Inherits Container "Tooltip"
- 2322 - The Date format within the notification of a child process is now correct (HT-2698)
- 2406 - The Date entered in a request form is now correct on pre-fills downstream while using Safari (HT-3299)
- 2486 - The Calendar Date field no longer auto-completes the date when manually entering the Date (FR-3900)
- 2504 - The Date format no longer changes from English to US when a User is configured to GMT Standard time and Locale is English (Ireland) nor does the form calendar question subtract a day when the system's timezone is configured to Irish Summer time (HT-3955)
- 2507 - Attachments with commas in the name no longer render incorrectly into multiple files as attachments separated by the commas (HT-4023, 4482)
- 2523 - API GET /files/instancelist/ are now including files that are within auto-complete forms
- 2592 - The current Request Detail is now rendering after the Manage Request Reset option is executed for a process
- 2602 - A Completed Form containing a Grid with a Currency Field can now be printed (HT-5377)
- 2614 - A Multi-file Attachment is no longer linking the files for download to one file while using Safari (HT-5550)
- 2625 - Attachments are now included in Notifications when mapped from an Autocomplete Form (HT-5740)
- 2633 - Forms with hidden calendars are now able to be submitted
- Refactoring and Modernization of the Calendar question type
- 1397 - The Left Nav Option remains highlighted when selected
- 1538 - Added the Ability to Create New Instance with Parameters via API in One Call
- 2497 - The Notification Date format is now the same as other task formats within notifications such as Current Status (FR-3209)
- 2587 - A "CLOSE" Button has been added to the Search Box results window (FR-2435)
Release Notes version 70.200.1101 | (2020/01/08) |
- Added completed/cancelled date to request detail for recipient tasks
- 2463 - Delegation start date now defaults to today if empty
- 2601 - Fixed pre-filling of hidden select lists
- 2607 - Fixed completed forms print icon anchoring in request task history
- 2612 - Fixed display of delegation end date in user profile
Release Notes version 70.191.1102 | (2019/11/21) |
- Fixed day of week values in scheduler.
- Fixed reporting functions to use task date comparisons properly (DB schema update)
- 2604 - fixed issue where form rules couldn't be created/modified when the form had more than 50 numerical questions (HT-5405)
- 2606 - Filtered Contact Search Box now exposes user ID at object level
Release Notes version 70.191.1101 | (2019/11/06) |
- Fixed issue with dynamic group mapper if nested sql was used in the group definition.
- 2600 - Fixed issue where users could not post to discussion tab if entered through a task link. (HT-5322, HT-5264)
Release Notes version 70.191.0102 | (2019/10/22) |
- Added performance enhancements to reduce unnecessary SQL backend for Request Details.
- Added ability to cache Request Details in redis for a configurable amount of time. Add the requestDetailCacheMinutes setting to your server-config.json file to enable, and restart the application from the OnPremise Manager.
- Completed Request Details are now stored and read from MongoDB for performance.
- Upon upload, commas are automatically changed to underscores in filenames
Release Notes version 70.190.9104 | (2019/09/25) |
- Fixed issue with grid questions in notifications.
Release Notes version 70.190.8102 | (2019/08/26) |
- Fixed issue with custom database strings in database sources.
Release Notes version 70.190.8101 | (2019/08/18) |
- 2152 - Fixed various dashboard bread crumbs
- 2334 - Extended start rule list to fit default window size
- 2463 - Changed default date for delegation in user profile to current date
- 2464 - Default size of notification editing area has been increased
Release Notes version 70.190.7102 | (2019/07/30) |
- 2524 - Form Assigner Start Date feature now functions as expected (HT-4245)
- 2525 - Fixed Dynamic Notification settings for overriding sender address
Release Notes version 70.190.7101 | (2019/07/12) |
- 2344 - Stopped automatic root URL removal from links in notifications (HT-2777, HT-3887)
- 2412 - Fixed typo in Milestone Options window
- 2425 - Fixed foreign alphabet label rendering in Request Detail (HT-3476)
- 2457 - Fixed saving of Recipient Option "Each In Order" order values
- 2460 - Fixed issue with delegation not functioning under certain conditions
- 2469 - Fixed Ability to copy email notification parameters
- 2500 - Fixed incorrect year auto-completion when date is being typed in (HT-3900)
- 2501 - Fixed recipient order saving when changing from All to Each-in-Order
- 2509 - Fixed Excel Batch task to work with date (calendar) elements
Release Notes version 70.190.6102 | (2019/06/25) |
- 769,2462 - Adjusted button order is consistency
- 2502 - Report scheduler now accepts multiple emails in "Email To" field (HT-4057)
- 2499 - Fixed Database Connection usage in custom reports (HT-3897)
- 2412 - Fixed Typo in Milestone Options Window
- 2349 - "EACH IN ORDER" recipient setting does now functions with dynamic assigner tasks (HT-2970)
- 2493 - Disabled scroll functionality on Number fields (FR-3818)
- 2498 - "ViewConfig" permissions within a Role for processes no longer allows editing of processes (HT-3903)
- 2439 - Search My Requests - Status is now a free text input
- 2152 - Dashboard Breadcrumb Clean-up
- 2508 - Fixed Request Record Tasks to allow update (HT-4025)
Release Notes version 70.190.5103 | (2019/05/31) |
- Fixed timing issue occurring on some environments with 70.190.5102
Release Notes version 70.190.5102 (superseded) | (2019/05/15) |
- 2466 - InactivityLogoutMinutes setting now fully functional (HT-3645)
Release Notes version 70.190.5101 (superseded) | (2019/05/13) |
- 2286 - PDF Genetrator does retain 'Keep pdf editable for future appending' option and is editable (HT-2540,HT-3771)
- 2402 - Report links change properly when paging through reports.
- 2478 - fixes for the /access/setacctoken/:acctoken endpoint (HT-3723)
Release Notes version 70.190.4103 | (2019/04/17) |
- 2465 - Made accounting js functions available to form JavaScript (HT-3712)
Release Notes version 70.190.4102 (superseded) | (2019/04/15) |
- 1899 - Removed the word 'total' from grid footer columns
- 2007 - Request Copy no longer displays form for a different process and fixed Firefox console error
- 2225, 2405 - Fixed category level permissions for Forms (HT-2260)
- 2388 - Fixed Group Membership paging & Available-to-Add Icons when manipulating groups of groups (HT-3504)
- 2410 - Text fields are no longer prefilled with numeric value if string contains only numbers
- 2413, 2458 - Fixed execution of User Profile task (HT-3357, HT-3347)
- 2429 - Data Container task now handles file attachments correctly including file name
- 2432 - Fixed issue with hidden grid questions not displaying prefill data
- 2440 - Recipients can now be modified on Imported Workflows
- 2445 - Adjusted execution order to reliably fill Grid Questions to javascript
Release Notes version 70.190.3101 | (2019/03/03) |
- 2277 - Fixed timing issue when newly submitted attachment fields are attached to notifications (HT-2512)
- 2279 - IE - Search icon no longer missing in Reassign Task (HT-2524)
- 2303 - Multifile attachment fields now expand to content (HT-2583)
- 2304 - Multi-Datapoint Charts now display all datapoint sets
- 2307 - Button Label now changes in form builder
- 2325 - Long task names no longer overlap in the Task History (HT-2736)
- 2328 - Clicking the Save as Draft now properly displays the MyTasks page with My Open Tasks (HT-2735)
- 2343 - Fixed display of grid column names in preview and runtime (HT-2867)
- 2346 - Removed invalid "enable client-side sql editing" option from incompatible field types
- 2379 - Fixed missing lines from new request screen and short text field in IE11
- 2398 - Fixed ability to delete rows from a grid using script
- 2419 - Fixed issue where numerical zeros saved as NULL in the db (HT-3390)
- 2282 - Added clickable Ellipse across the application
- 2309 - You can now set a default Radio Button selection (FR-2549)
- 2423 - Added httpOnly to cookies and ability to set secure cookie through server-config.json (HT-2414, FR-2433, HT-3330)
Release Notes version 70.190.2103 | (2019/02/20) |
- Strings containing ISO Dates no longer convert to short date format when prefilling System tasks
Release Notes version 70.190.2102 (superseded) | (2019/02/05) |
- 2227 - Contact Search fields now accept special characters on IE11 (HT-2261)
- 2337 - Default Theme Setting in Configuration is now respected for new sessions
- 2345 - Fixed checkbox vertical rendering in IE11 (HT-2871, HT-2906, HT-2964)
- 2347 - Fixed attachments timing issue for immediately following tasks
- 2378 - Fixed ability to cut/paste values into searchbox, contact search and On Behalf in IE11 (HT-3043)
- 2264 - SearchBox query tampering PHASE 3 - Searchbox fields can now have a new tab where parameters can be defined
- 2269 - performance enhancements
- Added support for non-standard SQL ports
- Updated prerequisite to .NET 4.6.2
NOTE: You will need to make sure your server has the .NET 4.6.2+ runtime installed on your server and there are also critical updates that need to be made to the the web.config in the app\service directory. You can view the web.config.template in the same directory for the proper format. These same changes also need to occur in your app\auth\web.config if you utilize Windows Integrated Auth. You will need to manually make these changes for the service to run. If you need help making the changes, feel free to submit a help ticket on the support site and attach your web.config for assistance prior to updating.
Release Notes version 70.181.2101 | (2018/12/09) |
- 1623 - Request Name is now optional in the Launch Request task config
- 1730 - Grid Questions render in proper order in the Task History
- 1845 - Request Detail now displays timeout time instead of initialization time for tasks that time out
- 2215 - Ampersands are now allowed in form names when importing and exporting (HT-2216, HT-2432)
- 2226 - Added Report Column and Filter Option for Data(Matching Iteration)
- 2267 - Category no properly required when saving Reports (HT-2469)
- 2280 - Cross-site Scripting vulnerability eliminated (HT-2408)
- Improved efficiency of form submission.
Release Notes version 70.181.1103 | (2018/11/16) |
- Decreased request detail page load time (HF-20181116)
Release Notes version 70.181.1102 (superseded) | (2018/11/14) |
- 1687 - Filters accessing Current Task - Recipient Name in reports now work properly (HT-17115)
- 1750 - Signature fields now properly render in form popup from within an approval task (HT-2319)
- 1815 - Number spinner now sets the Answer for the Number question
- 2144 - Fixed disappearing rules after changing order in Firefox
- 2169 - Fixed requester based prefill issues on first form when request launched with 'On behalf of' (HT-1970)
- 2187 - Fixed 'rows per page' functionality for custom reports
- 2190 - Removed user setttings from PDF Merge task as it is a system task (HT-2110)
- 2191 - Adjusted Calendar control handling of invalid dates in FireFox
- 2196 - Fixed font of 'Import File' label in the import process screen
- 2214 - Discussion comments no longer overlap other fields in IE11 (HT-2201)
- 2229 - Fixed initial display of "Exclude Field From Results" label in SearchBox DB tab
- 2231 - Removed ability to edit the "Integrify DB" Connection in Database Sources
- 2234 - Answer is now properly changed when clearing a Currency field
- 2250 - Removed grid question display of zero-dollar in footer for Currency column when no aggregate was configured
- 2262 - Fixed "Submit on behalf of" alignment is in IE11 and FF
- 2273 - Fields in Completed Form views are no longer editable
- 2275 - Added top level 'SET ROLES & PERMISSIONS' to Administration > Groups (HT-2518)
- 2291 - Fixed issue where form prefills using Specific Question Prefills used wrong source in certain case
- 2299 - Fixed HTML Button code in HTML Panel Widgets (HT-2588)
- 2134 - Added Regex vaidation to Grid question (FR-1824)
- 2150 - Added effect for buttons to form rules (FR-1906)
- 2165 - Added aggregate columns to total rows in a grid question
- 2197 - Hide empty fields in request details feature (FR-2089)
- 2243 - Uneditable rows are now hidden in the addRow window
- 2261 - Changed warning text when editing forms to be more accurate and added toggle to disable alert for that form.
- 2282,2315 - Added clickable ellipse for long form labels to display full text
- 2221 - SearchBox query tampering phase out part 2 - only send sql query to browser if enabled
Release Notes version 70.181.0102 | (2018/10/12) |
- 2263 - Fixed prematurely ellipsed radio button labels (HT-2420, HT-2448, HF-20181012)
Release Notes version 70.181.0101 (superseded) | (2018/10/09) |
- 2141 - Hidden grids that are changed to show now properly display rows in Firefox on Windows
- 2154 - Fixed display of encoded characters in the KPI configuration Start and End Task values
- 2164 - Added code to prevent firefox from crashing when viewing a form with grid field
- 2168 - Removed invalid Task data source from the form prefill options (HT-1931)
- 2181 - Currency formatting in reports columns with commas in data no longer cause an error (HT-2058, HT-1974)
- 2194 - Form rules no longer break when starting with a group (HT-1132)
- 2195 - Fixed Status column's display and sorting in Manage, Monitor, and View Requests (HT-1500)
- 2216 - Auto label editing now works in Edge when dropping a filed on a form
- 2217 - Fixed display consistency of longer Process Descriptions
- 2220 - SearchBox query tampering phase out part 1 - enable client side sql query editing checkbox
- 2223 - Fixed display of Priority column in View My Tasks display
- 2224 - Fixed form rules that set answer with function
- 2258 - Dragging tasks onto the process flow designer no longer selects text on Windows
- 2054 - Added 'Questions' button to the Detail tab of Form Builder that lists all questions on the form withe their IDs
- 2113 - Refactored various inconsistencies with form labels and spacing (FR-1790)
- 2117 - Adjusted attachment icon alignment when help text is defined (FR-1769)
- 2151 - Added an alert when opening a form that is assigned to multiple form tasks (FR-1918)
- 2180,2188 - Prefilled SearchBox fields from a singular value use that value for both the label and the value. (HT-2224)
- 2189 - Added searchbox.setAnswer() and searchbox.clearAnswer() functions for Form JavaScript
- 2193 - Report widgets on dashboards can now be renamed (HT-1986)
- 2198 - Most recent item now moves to the top of the bookmarks panel
- 2254 - Added pool parameter configuration options for the swormdb Oracle Driver - see the webserver\server-config.example.json file for the added parameters.(FR-2388)
Release Notes version 70.180.9105 | (2018/09/22) |
- Fixed redundant DB calls, and eliminated unused calls during Request Detail execution (HF-20180922)
NOTE: if you have a large _exceptions.xml or SystemSettings.log file in your \integrify\app\service folder, deleting or renaming it may immediately increase performance.
Release Notes version 70.180.9104 (superseded) | (2018/09/20) |
- 2237 - Fixed invalid 'permission error' for items under System Settings that have 'Roles and Permission functionality (HF-20180919)
Release Notes version 70.180.9103 (superseded) | (2018/09/18) |
- 2230 - Fixed issue where direct administrative links were accessible by restricted users (HT-2264, HF-20180914, HF-20180918)
Release Notes version 70.180.9101 (superseded) | (2018/09/11) |
- 2037 - Readonly file attachments are now downloadable and disabled attachments cannot be removed
- 2083 - Fixed report filters defined as Starts With
- 2089 - Fixed Auto-reorient/Display Reports/Grids in Dashboards/Forms upon bookmark bar collapsed status change (HT-1662)
- 2110 - Dynamic Naming Config and Reminders and Timeout Settings no longer blank when task name contains an ampersand
- 2128 - 'Submit on behalf of' is now properly aligned
- 2130 - The "View My Tasks" drop down no longer returns to "My Open Tasks" (HT-1616)
- 2137 - Report export now works on first try
- 2138 - Read-only grids are now selectable
- 2140 - Fixed question sorting column label in form task configuration dialog
- 2149 - Standard reports no longer require an end date limit (HT-1898)
- 2163 - Grid now renders correctly in print view task history (HT-1938)
- 2166 - File Attachment - File Object update
- 2167 - Changing Grid Column from Currency to Number now removes the currency format when running the form
- 2170 - Changed Import File Label
- 2177 - Increased enforcement of permissions in UI
- 2178 - Comments can no longer be deleted by anyone on the discussion board (HT-2018)
- 2179 - Removed false errors from unmapped DB Pull questions
- 2183 - Added 'scheduleddate' to reporting functions
- 2186 - Fixed file attachment question alignment on forms
- 1288 - You can no longer change the process assigned to a process based report
- 1867, 2126 - The read-only and disabled status of questions is now more obvious (HT-847) (FR-1780)
- 1932 - Added the ability to copy a question in the form builder (HT-846)
- 2099 - Application will no longer allow creation of identical username even if user is inactive (FR-1732)
- 2111 - Improved visibility of the processing indicator on form load and submission (FR-1793)
- 2112 - Better wrapping for request and process name display in request detail (FR-1792)
- 2116 - Long forms now scroll up to top most failed validation on submission (FR-1785)
- 2129 - You can now save report filters per report for your browser session
- 2175 - Added a "Publish" option in the permissions list which would allow a user to modify workflow publishing status
Release Notes version 70.180.8103 | (2018/08/17) |
- 2174 - Fixed vertical display of radio button question type in IE11 (HT-2020, HF-20180816)
Release Notes version 70.180.8102 (superseded) | (2018/08/16) |
- 1881 - iPad: The spacing of the header buttons on the form administration screen has been normalized. (HT-837)
- 2077 - Values less than 1 can no longer be entered in reminders and timeouts (HT-1646)
- 2093 - Dblbyte characters in request title no longer prevent requests from starting (HT-1659)
- 2097 - You can now download spreadsheet from an Excel Batch task configuration (HT-1715)
- 2098 - Dynamic Assigner configured assignment no longer disappears intermittently (HT-1716)
- 2109 - Creating KPI w/out a date range no longer causes KPI creation to fail
- 2121 - Report filters parenthesis columns are now free text
- 2123 - Fixed 'hide from results' drop-down in search box question configuration. (HT-1467)
- 2132 - Approvals assigned to multiple recipients no longer lose 'Set Recipients' and 'Change Dates' (HT-1822)
- 2133 - Fixed paging controls for Report widgets on dashboards (HT-1795)
- 2155 - You can now change the version selection for Report Limits
- 2156 - "Submit on behalf" search is now working in IE 11 (HT-1928)
- 2158 - Contact Search now returns filtered records from value entered in IE11
- 2161 - Select List Choice now retained when its section is collapsed & restored
- 2176 - Fixed Grid footer calculations (HT-2051, HF-20180815)
- 1629 - Calendar question labels have been expanded (HT-780, HT-908, HT-1991)
- 2069 - AUTH can now be used for redis connections (HT-1493)
- 2080 - Wrapping Fields in a Grid (FR-1605)
- 2108 - Form Versions Have been implemented (FR-1660)
- Added QR embed functionality to start a process. Each process now has a QR Code (bar code) associated with it. This code can be scanned using a mobile device to launch a process. This can be helpful in a variety of use cases. For more, see QR Codes/Bar Codes under Process Detail on our Help site.
Release Notes version 70.180.7101 | (2018/07/17) |
- 1563 - PDF Generator Mappings are now persistent (HT-1030)
- 1578 - Cell classes defined in the grid's "Edit Column Dialog" are now respected
- 1771 - File Attachments Questions in Auto-Complete Forms can now be attached in email notifications
- 1874 - Task Title no longer shows encoded characters in Edit Detail window
- 2026 - Report filters have free-text options for approval and milestone tasks using certain operators
- 2034 - Developer Form Fields to Capture now saves changes
- 2035 - Disabled Searchbox or Contact questions no longer allows deleting/removing selected value
- 2039 - Developer Form checkbox questions now properly prefill on standard forms when more than one value is checked
- 2040 - Password question now automatically validates match
- 2046 - iPad4 (Safari v7) - Grid tasks now add numbers to numeric columns
- 2056 - Fixed display of reports with stacked column charts
- 2059 - Fixed typos in lambda function configuration
- 2065 - Long text fields now display all lines on large forms when prefilled
- 2067 - Fixed "unknown question type" pop-up in reports
- 2071 - Fixed display of encoded characters in Milestones
- 2072 - Fixed issue where report filter pop-up does not display selections after initial selection is made
- 2073 - Empty currency answers will no longer be automatically formatted with $0.00
- 2076 - Fixed issue where specific start rule could not be added to a task (HT-1627)
- 2084 - Calendar question no longer displays wrong date for time zones with + hour adjustments (HT-1656, HT-1794)
- 2085 - Fixed AWS Lambda Public Function Renamed DOCX, XLSX, & PDF attachment (HT-1673)
- 2094 - Current Task now available in task type report filters (HF-20180621)
- 2105 - Fixed Any Data column source for reports
- 1360 - Grid - onChange event to know which cell changed, added or deleted
- 1817 - Form question order in the request detail can be defined at the form task level by ordering the fields to capture
- 1843 - Forms and form templates can now be exported and imported
- 2030 - "Read only" now allows selection or tab order
- 2041 - Increased size of scripting areas of developer form configuration tabs
- 2066 - Added footer class to Grid question
- 2074 - Added callback functionality for recipients task in Widget API (FR-1369)
- 2078 - Added option to auto-fill Calendar question with today's date (FR-1644)
- 2079 - When using the Widget API to embed a form the response object will have an embedded attribute indicating embedded status (FR-1370)
- 2082 - Publish status now included in process search results (FR-1657)
Release Notes version 70.180.6103 | (2018/06/22) |
- 2094 - Current Task now available in task type report filters (HF-20180621)
Release Notes version 70.180.6102 (superseded) | (2018/06/06) |
- 2062 - Fixed form prefilling with fixed values (HT-1606, HF-20180605)
- 2063 - Fixed creation of KPIs (HF-20180605)
- 2064 - Fixed Onchange events for text-based questions (HF-20180605)
Release Notes version 70.180.6101 (superseded) | (2018/06/03) |
- 1259 - When adding new columns to new grid, attempt to delete single grid column no longer deletes all
- 1418 - Validation no longer occurs while typing
- 1665 - DB Pull no longer incorrectly listed as possible source for Form Assigner task type
- 1678, 2049 - Fixed Answer.push and onChange for several column types in the grid question.
- 1741 - Deleted requests no longer included in KPIs
- 1767,2003 - Fixed questions duplicating when dragged around form (HT-17356)
- 1935 - Local File Copy now fully supports the PDF Merge and PDF Generator task types (HT-1036)
- 1992 - Setting a section readonly to false no longer leaves rich text questions as readonly
- 1999 - IE - 2-col form display now equally distribute columns (HT-1299)
- 2014 - Fixed issue with programmatic label change of select list questions when 'Allow user to select multiple options' option used (HT-1367)
- 2016 - Current Task fields are now longer incorrectly presented as options for process based reports
- 2017 - Fixed Current Task - Time from Request Start to Task End runtime error
- 2020 - Global date format now works across all dates
- 2029 - Fixed referencing of questions configured as hidden to allow showing via script/rules
- 2032 - Fixed uncheckecked Show Label functionality for grid questions
- 2036 - IE11: Fixed alignment issue of validation message for Timezone question type
- 2038 - Fixed use of percentages for Grid question column width
- 2044 - Fixed rendering of grid question height in FireFox on Windows
- 2045,2050 - Fixed column sortable setting for grid question type
- 2047 - Fixed hiding of DELETE button for grid questions through JavaScript
- 2048 - Fixed display of Long Text question when prefilled with multi-line text (HT-1535)
- 2053 - 'Task can be reassigned' setting on form with contact search no longer causes popup (HT-1563)
- 2055 - Fixed punctuation of Roles heading in process permissions screen
- 2068 - Start and end dates now required for new system messages (HT-1541)
- 1801 - Custom reports can now be properly configured for charts
- 2021 - Enabled resizing of report columns
- 2051 - Add Back V5-V6 Ability to Use File Uploaded to Excel Import Task as File Attachment (HF-20180522)
- Updated node module dependencies
NOTE: You may need to change your mongo-config.js file as the connection formatting has changed (must supply mongodb://). See the example in integrify\app\webserver\mongo-config.sample.js and adjust the mongo-config.js as appropriate. You will need to make the same changes to your integrify\app\scheduler\config.js Open a support ticket for clarification prior to updating if you have questions or to schedule an assisted update. - Updated included redis to
NOTE: if you get redis errors, or redis-server.exe does not exist in your Task Manager, make a backup of your integrify\app\redisbin64\redis.conf file, copy the file into redis.conf and save the file. Restart the Integrify Redis windows service and check if redis-server is in the list of runninng applications. if you are running load balanced nodes or redis on a machine other than where Integrify is installed, change the protected-mode parameter to no and change the bind parameter in the redis.conf file adding your actual IP address to the bind list. Open a support ticket for clarification prior to updating if you have questions or to schedule an assisted update. - Added error handling for rest client when testing through configuration of the task
Release Notes version 70.180.5103 | (2018/05/10) |
- 2031 - (IE11) Discussion tab - select users toggle alignment has been fixed (HF-20180509)
Release Notes version 70.180.5102 | (2018/05/09) |
- 2028 - Form Assigner Config Issue (HT-1465, HF-20180508)
Note: this release includes a database update script
Release Notes version 70.180.5101 | (2018/05/06) |
- 1715 - Process builder now prevents user from clicking outside of config screens (HT-17186)
- 1941 - Contact Search now clears entered text after contact is selected (HT-1203)
- 1970 - Hidden grid questions now properly fill at form load
- 1973 - Number columns within reports are now right justified
- 1978 - User ID now listed in the group membership window
- 1981 - Rich Text questions now scroll in completed form view
- 1982 - Rich text question now displays an asterisk when its required
- 1983 - Clearing search boxes after a selection is made now works
- 1990 - Cancel button now works when editing select list options in Grid questions
- 1991 - Empty date values in grid questions no longer cause errors in notifications
- 1993 - Fixed number overlapping in REST Client configuration screen in Chrome
- 1997 - Forms are no longer limited vertically (HT-1285)
- 1998 - When a search box is cleared the mapped field will also clear (HT-1295)
- 2001 - now using ace editor in Database Pull and Developer form configurations screens
- 2005 - Fix specific question pre-filling from Database Pull tasks. (HT-1298)
- 2010 - Fixed display of section label in Form Builder when changed
- 2011 - Fixed display of first Radio or Checkbox option in Form Builder
- 2013 - Fixed formatting of form when pre-filled or loaded from a saved draft in IE
- 1832 - You can now reorder grid question columns
- 1833 - You can now reorder form rules
- 1929 - CheckBox question filters on reports are now dropdowns
Release Notes version 70.180.4106 | (2018/04/26) |
- 2019 - Allowed passing of XML into Webservice task parameters(HT-1341, HF-20180426)
Release Notes version 70.180.4105 | (2018/04/20) |
- 2012 - Fixed Read Only setting on questions (HF-20180419)
Release Notes version 70.180.4104 | (2018/04/12) |
- 1996 - Fixed notification fills when source task has a single quote in it's name (HT-1290, HF-20180411)
Release Notes version 70.180.4103 | (2018/04/11) |
- 1989 - Fixed calendar question display after date selected in Edge (HF-20180410)
- 1995 - Fixed custom report pop-up filter parameter display (HF-20180410)
Release Notes version 70.180.4102 | (2018/04/10) |
- 1992 - Form setting a section read only to false no longer leaves all questions as read only
Release Notes version 70.180.4101 | (2018/04/08) |
- 1437, 1617 - Adding task onto transition line from Start Process now produces proper start rule
- 1454 - Form Builder no longer jumps to bottom after every change
- 1467 - Deleting all Approval task options no longer leaves one option in the list
- 1482 - Blank recent items no longer created from bookmarked entries
- 1525 - Displaying specific help from lambda functions now works
- 1588 - Password reset no longer allowed on inactive accounts
- 1618 - Request - Status removed from prefill options
- 1820 - Hidden tasks no longer show in printed request detail
- 1836 - Ampersand in notification subject no longer appearing as &
- 1838 - Report filters referencing dynamic questions now use text box instead of select list
- 1859 - Fixed runtime issues with exposed report date limit selector
- 1864 - Fixed display of mappings In PDF Generator Task
- 1890 - Fixed display of delegation date (HT-860)
- 1893 - Removed "Is Majority" in report filter operators
- 1904 - Report columns set to number format now respect width setting
- 1906 - Added validation for DB Pull mapping fields
- 1907 - Report Filter [CLEAR] button now clears the filters and re-runs the report
- 1908 - Exposed date filter in reports now displays "Date Range" instead of "unknown question type"
- 1909 - Report now sorts number fields by number instead of string values
- 1910 - Link questions are now hyperlinks in completed form view (HT-944)
- 1914 - Selecting currency for a question now requires currency format in order to save
- 1915, 1961 - Form Start Rules using comparison operator now display and save properly (HT-997,1113)
- 1917 - Reports: Contact Search filter now text box
- 1926 - Grids now included when using print icon
- 1936 - Local File Copy now properly distinguishes between questions of different form tasks with same client ID
- 1942, 1946 - Grid: Date questions no longer display time
- 1944 - Prefilling a short text field with a calendar question type value now works
- 1953 - Start Rule editor now properly detects dirty status and shows save button (HT-661)
- 1957 - Fixed issue with Webservice parameters failing with identical prefixes (HT-1103)
- 1960 - Process designer no longer deletes the wrong task (HT-1111)
- 1962 - Parent-passed Calendar Question now being received in launched process with identical form
- 1964 - Forms now fully filling with saved draft data (HT-1105)
- 1969 - Grid question now validates column width values
- 1974 - Unrequired empty Date questions no longer prevent form from submitting
- 1979 - Form Rules - SetAnswerWithValue no longer fails when the target question's parent Section is hidden, then shown
- 1420 - Rules using groups now use select list (HT-16571)
- 1854 - Report items per page drop down now changes grid size for standard reports
- 1913 - "Save Draft and Continue" no longer displays if Save as Draft button is hidden
- 1927 - Currency format now used when printing
- 1937 - Long question labels now display as the client id and a reasonable portion of the label in the Form Rule builder (HT-888)
- 1939 - "let" can now be used to declare variables (ES6 browsers only)
- 1972 - Reactivated Auto-Arrange in the process designer with a warning (HT-1162,1160,1175)
- 1975 - Attachments now clickable in read-only section (HT-1186)
- 1976 - Only focused dashboard gets loaded and is saved as session default when returning to the dashboards. (HT-1057)
- 1987 - Added ability to embed any recipientTask using the embedder
Release Notes version 70.180.3102 | (2018/03/11) |
- 1703 - Self referencing effects no longer crash form load (HT-17067,16854)
- 1736 - Grids properly display on iPad (HT-16960)
- 1780 - Report columns formatted as 'hyperlink' now render as hyperlinks when running the report
- 1844 - Discussion count no appears when executing an Approval Task
- 1855 - The 'per page' control now works when running reports
- 1863 - IE11 - Form Text questions now wrap based on browser width (HT-648)
- 1873 - Currency Formatting now displays in the request detail
- 1876 - SelectList values in grids now inherit label if left blank (HT-16960)
- 1878 - Grid questions now properly render in request detail
- 1879 - Grid questions now properly pull into notifications
- 1889 - When user attempts to start a request they do not have access to using a direct link, they will now receive a 'permissions error' (HT-808)
- 1911 - IE11: Calendar questions now show proper year (HT-941,937, HF-20180308)
- 1912 - Programmatic SelectList question label changes now work (HT-962)
- 1933 - Client prefills in first task of a request no longer fill with requester info (HT-1014)
- 1943 - Calendar question type no longer displays time in request detail/task history
- 1948 - Unrequired Date question type no longer prevents form from being submitted
- 1950 - Calendar question type no longer causes notification errors if it is empty
- 1054, 1355 - Closing recipient rules dialog returns to the recipients screen
- 1360 - Grid question onChange events will now provide you with information about the changed cell
- 1559 - Charts in widget dashboards now resize with the widget.
- 1681 - Long Forms now print properly
- 1685 - Javascript Help in form editor now references help site page (HT-17119)
- 1885 - Added margins to report display
Release Notes version 70.180.2106 | (2018/02/16) |
- 1887 - Can now add rows to a grid via script (HF-20180214)
- 1903 - Created new parameter "disableLoginNotifications" : true in server-config.json to disable the "a user has logged in" popup notification for all the users. (HT-930)
Release Notes version 70.180.2104 | (2018/02/14) |
- 1865 - Fixed 'View My Reports' permissions issue
- 1882 - SearchBox question mapped to Notification now returning value
- 1884 - Form no longer submits when Contact Search is required if there is also a Search Box on the Form
- 1886 - Searchbox label now clearing when Answer set to null using script (HF-20180213)
Release Notes version 70.180.2102 | (2018/02/06) |
- 911 - Local File Copy is now functional
- 1504 - User permissions are now pulled from redis instead of app cache (HT-16721)
- 1572 - Dynamic Names can now utilize any data source to set task title (HT-16880, 17346)
- 1662 - Added 'Sign' button to signature question type
- 1719, 1766 - Search Box now stored in the database as raw value and label instead of JSON
- 1770 - Added ability to set a priority prefill to a launch request task which grabs the latest form task data from the child request.
- 1806 - Clicking the DELETE button in a Grid question now triggers onChange
- 1807 - Form rules that effect Section readonly/editable now work proprely (HT-649)
- 1831 - Removed "Version" from the Report Detail menu
- 1839 - Fixed permissions when custom left-nav in use (HT-709)
- 1841 - Widget API: Fixed redirection to intended form after authenticating user
- 1850 - Grid onChange event no longer called twice when changed
- Fixed permissions issue for non-admin using serach in 'Start a Request' (HT-644)
- 1560 - Added currency formatting in Reports
- 1668 - Grid question: added the ability to tab from cell to cell
- 1835 - Disabled "auto arrange" in the process designer
Release Notes version 70.180.1104 | (2018/01/28) |
- 1818 - Fixed rendering of grid task when initially hidden (HT-688, HF-20180122, HF-20180125)
Release Notes version 70.180.1102 | (2018/01/16) |
- 1440 - Start Rules now function properly when Checkbox value and label differ
- 1540 - Task config screen still no longer visible in Firefox when you navigate away
- 1561 - Cleaned up report paging controls
- 1571 - Language Translations can now be deleted
- 1587 - You are now not able to delete forms used in processes
- 1624 - Cleaned up grid button order
- 1625 - Cleaned up form button order
- 1631 - Date questions within Grids now display date without time
- 1638 - Cleaned up Dynamic Notification button order
- 1640 - Cleaned up Search Box DB tab
- 1657 - When using Guest with Widget API embedder, the request runtime tabs anre now hidden.
- 1673 - Show/Hide/Required now work for Form Rules based on "Is Not Empty"
- 1674 - Short Date formatting now used for Calendar Form Question in Email Notifications
- 1708 - Approval-by-Email options now properly rendering in email notifications of imported processes
- 1729 - Link to developer forms now available in approval task 'form to display'
- 1748 - File attachments now display on the Process Detail tab
- 1751 - Fixed dynamically Unrequire of a File Attachment
- 1754 - Fixed prefilling of the first form of copied requests
- 1756 - Fixed access to Roles & Permissions as Admin for Database Sources
- 1757 - Fixed access to Roles & Permissions as Admin for Email Monitors
- 1759 - Report Filter UI now loads filter value on edit (HT-645)
- 1762 - Fixed access to Roles & Permissions as Admin for Holidays
- 1763 - Fixed access to Roles & Permissions as Admin for Business Hours
- 1765 - Fixed Dynamic Notification CC value when 'Fixed value' selected (HT-17329)
- 1773 - Removed appearance of Search Feature on Main Group Page
- 1782 - Fixed ability to dynamically update required status of Contact Search questions
- 1786, 1809 - Searching with the Enter Button fails when Contact Search is required (HT-646)
- 1787 - Fixed "Run At Specific Times" configurability in scheduled processes
- 1794 - Fixed display of End Date in the scheduling configuration screen
- 1798 - Fixed Replace User's Reassign Task Ownership functionality
- 1810 - Fixed empty Form list in Dynamic Notification configuration screen (HT-683)
- 1447 - Added Report View Widget for Request Detail (HT-16662, 16663)
- 1627 - Added File Attachment as Data Type for Grid Question
Release Notes version 70.171.2104 | (2017/12/08) |
- 1592 - Databound checkboxes should now prefill with value (HT-16766, 17317)
- 1752 - Checkboxes now render the answer on completed forms
- 1753 - Checkboxes now captur values instead of labels
Release Notes version 70.171.2103 | (2017/12/06) |
- 1747 - Fixed issue with show/hide form rules (HT-17311, HF-20171205)
Release Notes version 70.171.2102 | (2017/12/04) |
- 1744 - Fixed manage permissions functionality on dashboards
- 1745 - Reports with filters now pop up the filter dialog when opened
Release Notes version 70.171.2101 | (2017/12/03) |
- 1463 - Task Name more visible in Rules builder dialog
- 1472 - Hidden fields no longer take up space on forms (HT-16651)
- 1499 - Search Box on reports and in request summary show value instead of json (HT-16945,16963)
- 1522 - isEmpty & isNotEmpty form rules fully respect Array-based questions
- 1568 - Added validation so grid question columns have a label with no periods.
- 1613 - Doublebyte-character names can now be downloaded (HT-16684,16940)
- 1616 - Fixed save draft behavior of attachment questions and validation.
- 1651 - Request Detail now showing proper count under Completed Forms
- 1661 - Administration and System Settings pages no longer directly accessible when not secured for accesss (HT-17052)
- 1666 - Fixed Select List columns of Grid question questions
- 1667 - Added option to disable end-user ability to delete rows in Grid questions
- 1670 - View All Tasks button now displays (HT-16780)
- 1675 - Request data prefills no longer cause failure to load on first form
- 1679 - Support for Node 8.x for forms with contact search and multiple other questions
- 1689 - Fixed Task Rules based on form data from templates (HT-17157)
- 1691 - Grid question no longer stores unused columns
- 1699 - Integrify Support link from left nav now working (HT-17224)
- 1732 - Fixed custom report column adds
- 1738 - Fixed aggregate functions on standard reports.
- REST Client tasks are now properly fired by the task processor.
Release Notes version 70.171.1104 | (2017/11/16) |
- 1592, 1682 - Databound checkboxes prefill properly when values are numbers (HT-16766)
- 1671, 1713 - Start Task Rule config screen now populates after rule is recreated following task deletion
- 1698 - Query and variable parameters no longer clear out when clicking 'import questions' (HT-17125)
- 1700 - Searchbox question now only captures values that are in the results.
- 1710 - Rest Client task now works properly when response values are 0 (HT-16535)
Release Notes version 70.171.1103 | (2017/11/14) |
- 1576 - Removed Paste button to restablish table pasting in Rich Text questions(HT-16908)
- 1688 - Search Box questions prefilling properly with value
Release Notes version 70.171.1102 | (2017/11/07) |
- 1453 - Administration header in left navigation is now properly hidden for non-admins
Release Notes version 70.171.1101 | (2017/11/05) |
- 1438, 1603 - Section and container read-only now have an affect (HT-16927)
- 1455 - Form scripts no longer reverts to previous code
- 1466 - Manage Task Reports now show Set Recipient and Change Date options for non-completed tasks
- 1474 - Start request link/api options documentation expanded (HT-16547)
- 1475 - Section and Request Detail Header now use ellipses on ipad or phones (HT-16666)
- 1527, 1601 - Grid Question Help visible and Grid Question label optionally visible on form. (HT-16679)
- 1544 - Bookmarks bar for Ipad and mobile hidden by default
- 1552 - Prefills using 'Request - Process ID' now work (HT-16860)
- 1564 - Discussion Tab Email Links now bring the user to the request
- 1570 - Fix to allow programmatic clearing of number questions via script
- 1577 - Fix for Multifile Attachment questions links in reports
- 1596, 1597, 1598 , 1599 - improved understandability of question prefills section of form tasks and added sorting
- 1604 - changed label to "Notify completer of previous task and, if this is the first task in the workflow, the requester" in notification settings
- 1610 - Fixed onBlur looping with alerts and currency questions
- 1614 - Fixed uncaught ReferenceError: scope is not defined at window.onresize
- 1615 - Increased DB Query field for dynamic groups to match DB column char limit (HT-16968)
- 1619 - Decreased amount of external dependencies (HT-16980)
- 1620 - Launch Request task is now configurable after importing process
- 1634 - Task Names are now properly encoding characters in Task History
- 1653 - Fixed question label formatting in Task History
- 1657 - Guest account now fully works with the Widget API embedder
- 1664 - Contact Search Question now filters when clicking the search icon
- 1375, 1537 - Add E-Signature Question Type
- 1441 - Form Text elements are now available in effects targets of Form Rule Builder (HT-16696)
- 1548 - Form Builder: New 'References' tab that shows processes and tasks that use the form
- 1557 - Customization of available options in the left nav now avaialable (HT-16857)
- 1576 - Added "Paste" option into Rich Text Fields for IE (HT-16908)
- 1582 - Added html formatting in request detail for data container tasks (HT-16920)
Release Notes version 70.171.0103 | (2017/11/01) |
- 1655 - Rest Client tasks can now save more than one parameter
Release Notes version 70.171.0102 | (2017/10/18) |
- 1562 - Fixed searchbox prefill value not being recognized
- 1608 - Fixed issue where both groups and contacts could not be selected when searching in recipient dialogs
- 1606 - Fixed issue where could not configure reminders and timeouts
Release Notes version 70.171.0101 | (2017/10/17) |
- 919 - Task Scheduler: The scheduled time is now displayed in the Task History
- 923 - Task Scheduler: Now shows completed time instead of assigned time
- 1096 - Paging through dynamic recipients now functions properly
- 1321 - View All Tasks now functions properly (HT-16780)
- 1328 - Stay/Leave dialog now only appears once after Approval task config change
- 1400 - Translations now display properly
- 1473 - If a user drops in the same template twice, the user will have the option to generate new ClientIDs for the newly placed template. (HT-16655)
- 1483, 1513 - Remind user that Field to Capture/Prefill list on form is stale due to form config change
- 1486 - No longer need orphan form for DB Pull tasks (HT-16747)
- 1490 - Search Box now requires a selection from list
- 1499 - Search Box on reports now showing value instead of json (HT-16945)
- 1530 - Start Request - Search Processes dashboard widget no longer launches process editor (HT-16804)
- 1532 - Task Rule builder now allows only one operation at a time
- 1534 - Form Builder: tabs refresh with new data when switching tabs
- 1535 - Contact Search question now respects hidden checkbox
- 1542 - Form configuration now requires saving to enable Advanced Settings tab
- 1550 - Form Builder: Interoperability disabled while Open & Save calls are running
- 1585 - Fixed issue with processes not being able to be opened when category has one process and one category in it.
- 1428 - Users can now search for forms when configuring a form a task
- 1435 - Form Rules now have read-only effect
- 1443 - Oracle connections can now be used in databound questions (see instructions: here)
- 1521 - Updated Start Request search functionality (HT-16777)
Release Notes version 70.170.9107 | (2017/10/05) |
- 1573 - Added support for numeric prefills larger than Int32
Release Notes version 70.170.9106 | (2017/09/28) |
- 1551 - Fixed responses to Data container API endpoints when saveOnly or completeOnly parameters are used (HT-16812)
Release Notes version 70.170.9105 | (2017/09/28) |
- 1555 - Currency formatting now reflected in notifications. Note that it will only be formatted in notifications pulling from forms submitted after this update. (HT-16845)
Release Notes version 70.170.9104 | (2017/09/19) |
- 1539 - Fix configuration of Response Mappings for Webservice Tasks (HT-16819,16747)
Release Notes version 70.170.9103 | (2017/09/15) |
- 1531 - Form Rule Builder: Effects drop-downs are now visible/configurable for pre-existing rules (HT16809)
Release Notes version 70.170.9102 | (2017/09/13) |
- 1528 - Form Task Config: Import Prefills button now works after making change to existing form
Release Notes version 70.170.9101 | (2017/09/12) |
- 1149 - Added Form's description when making a Form Copy
- 1236,1252 - Save button no longer truncated in Process Detail after modification
- 1239 - Form Assigner: added missing hour 12 option within the configuration
- 1261 - Excel Batch: Sheet information now displays within the configuration
- 1272 - Fixed printing of long, completed forms in all browsers
- 1298 - Fixed setting the answer of a multichoice select list and a single choice select list programmatically with form js
- 1327,1503 - IE11: Fixed button display on alert message boxes
- 1414 - Contact Search Group Filter now works with Dynamic Groups (HT16565)
- 1426 - Removed "power form" in recent items when adding a new form.
- 1450 - Fixed Print View link on Request Detail when accessing it from an Open Task
- 1452 - Fixed form submission validation when Rich text question type required
- 1453 - Administration header in left nav now hidden for non-admins
- 1461 - Added display of rules when hovering over process connection lines
- 1462 - Blank rows in Grid question no longer trigger false requirement validation messages
- 1464,1520,1522 - Form Rules Engine: isEmpty & isNotEmpty properly checks Array-based questions
- 1469 - Grid Question: Fixed footer display when rows specified in config
- 1471 - IE 11 - Fixed field alignments Start Request display (HT16656)
- 1477 - Fixed alignment of graduation labels in kpi gauge chart on dashboards
- 1481 - Fixed display of Task Recipients in process designer
- 1482 - Fixed creation of blank entries creating in recent items when you run a request from the process designer
- 1486 - Fixed mapping pulls from DB Pull tasks (HT16747)
- 1488 - Fixed invalid validation triggers and button issue in Grid question
- 1489 - Fixed Form task config for numeric fields to capture (DB)
- 1496 - Fixed missing labels from Dynamic Assigner db dialog
- 1498 - Prefill mappings number now update when saving a new form
- 1502 - Fixed Developer form rendering.
- 1516 - Fixed spelling error in Description field for HTML Panel Widget
- 1517 - Added process drop-down to dialog when trying to add column data to cross-process report
- 1518 - Fix to force category selection when creating a report
- 949 - Grid Questions now support Currency data type
- 1427 - Added count of comments on discussion tab
- 1431 - Added availability of Form Text questions in intForm
- 1433 - Added button to available layout elements in Form Editor
- 1434 - Added a warning message when leaving a task entry screen. and added option to save draft if Form task
- 1451 - Form Builder: Added keyboard shortcuts to Save from within the JavaScript code editor:
- "Ctrl+S" (Windows)
- "Command-S" (Mac)
- 1484, 1487 - QA: Added tags for QA Testing Automation
- 1476 - Title bars of question editor windows now display Client ID instead of System ID
- 1508 - Form Task Config: changed display of Prefill Mappings Count to (X/Y)
- 1509 - Form Task Config: added 'Show Unused Mappings' to question prefill section
- 1511 - Updated to push.js 1.0.4 to remove usage of notifications from iFrames
Release Notes version 70.170.8104 | (2017/08/25) |
- 1445 - Fixed additional functionality to use groups in rules (HT16570,16661)
Release Notes version 70.170.8103 | (2017/08/18) |
- 1367,1446 - fixed issue with duplicate dashboard widgets displaying
- 1448 - Fixed data field pulls into notifications when label contains a question mark (HT16610)
- 1458 - Launch Request Tasks now properly launch child requests (HT16664)
Release Notes version 70.170.8102 | (2017/08/11) |
- 1439 - Fixed form rules based on radio button changes to fire consistently
- 1442 - Fixed formatting issues on prefills from search box question types
- 1445 - Fixed functionality to use groups in rules.
Release Notes version 70.170.8101 | (2017/08/07) |
- 1076 - Fixed formatting display of column labels in Report Grid, Search Box popup table and the Grid Question displays
- 1123 - KPI barcharts now display correct Time Unit abbreviation
- 1227, 1412 - File Attachment question type: When selecting the Multifile checkbox option
- 1297 - Dynamic task names no longer allowed to be mapped to database sourced questions
- 1304 - Hover over task menu no longer persistent when hovering to any second menu pop-out item
- 1308 - Fixed extra cell display in Task History for grid questions
- 1309, 1410 - fixed password reset looping issue when password_reset_date in past
- 1352 - Translations now retain language change
- 1357 - Search Box now properly displays selected label instead of value
- 1362, 1416 - fixed Select list to be drop downs instead of free text in report filters and in notifications
- 1363, 1422 - fixed importing of existing reports
- 1365 - Developer Forms now use as much of display as possible
- 1366 - Fixed password reset on multi-tenant installations
- 1368 - Group name now displays instead of guid when configured in notification data pulls
- 1383 - Select Lists are now editable within a grid.
- 1384 - Fixed deletion of sections in form builder
- 1385 - Fixed Grid question display data in Task History and pre-filling.
- 1386 - Fixed 'run query' button in searchbox questions
- 1387 - Fixed the ability to hide/show the "Add Row" button in grids
- 1389 - Numerical rules evaluation with '>' operator now working as expected.
- 1392 - Fixed encoding of task names in rule builder
- 1395 - fixed SearchBox value not displaying on read-only form
- *1396 - Form does not display via form link
- 1399 - Fixed minor login issues
- 1401 - (D) converted ng2 feedService and feedComponent to ng1
- 1404, 1407, 1421 - HT 16546 - Discussion posts have proper options to send emails to selected users as well as only those users
- 1405 - Fixed login page for IE11
- 1406 - Fixed duplication in My Feed
- 1408, 1425 - Contact search is now functioning in all areas.
- 1411 - Password Expiration and min and max length now show under Password Settings
- 1415 - Fixed default installer template for EmaiLinkURL
- 1417 - Fixed reports throwing "Unknown Question Type Error" when field type is textfield
- 1429 - Fixed onchange error when selectbox value contained integers
- 736 - Number questions now have currency formatting functionality
- 1099 - Process Scheduler and Report Scheduler now fully functional
- 1264 - Added callback functionality to to allow async functions to return true or false value.
- 1323 - Added ability to add static text as well as predefined column and row counts to the grid question.
- 1345 - Sections within the request detail with no content are now hidden
- There was a default change that took place during this cycle. Under System Settings > System Config, make sure your EmailLinkURL is <>/#/section-dashboard and NOT <>/#/section-dashboard/request.
Release Notes version 70.170.7103 | (2017/07/29) |
- Blur will now always access the correct value
Release Notes version 70.170.7102 | (2017/07/13) |
- 1377, 1382, 1899 - Publish status now shows in process detail properly
- 1376 - Skip Start Request Entry setting now properly handled.
Release Notes version 70.170.7101 | (2017/07/02) |
- 1195 - Fixed ability to update email address in Firefox
- 1254 - Options in Grid SelectLists no longer vanish when opening their edit dialogs
- 1263 - Fixed availability of variable prefills in form javascript
- 1294 - Fixed "Each In Order" recipient rule configuration option on forms and dev forms
- 1310 - Fixed sending address from password reset
- 1311 - Fixed open detail to new tab option
- 1326 - Fixed submission of form after contact search question manipulation
- 1329 - Fixed firing of onChange within the Grid
- 1331 - Fixed setting of variable prefills at runtime.
- 1333,1332 - Fixed parameterized queries (HT16350,16565)
- 1335 - Now preventing 50 chars for group name in user interface
- 1336 - Contact Search Configuration properly restricts to members of selected group
- 1338 - Fixed process export
- 1341 - Forms with a hidden file attachment question will now submit regardless of the required attribute
- 1342 - Search box properly displays values
- 1344 - Fixed contact search display in request summary and completed form view
- 1348 - Database Sources now populating question choices regardless of Admin status
- 1351 - Fixed downloading of attachments
- 1359 - Fixed visibility of related requests in request detail
- 1356,1249 - Visual improvements to the Process designer UI
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