Important Caveat for Guest Accounts
In Integrify, guest users are very limited in functionality. Guest users can not log into the portal or have tasks assigned to them, etc. They can only submit forms and receive email notifications assuming you captured their email address on the form or have it stored elsewhere. Common use cases involve simply collecting information from a larger, public audience via an embedded form.
Steps to set up a process to be accessed by the guest account
- Go to "System Settings" on the left navigation menu.
- Under "System Config," set system setting “Allow Guest” to yes and use Integrify On-Premise Manager tool to restart the system. If you are cloud-based, allow the system time to cycle the application pools overnight (US time) so that this parameter can be applied.
- Set the first form task in the process to be completed by the “Requester” role.
- Add the Guest account to the list of allowed users for the process you want guest users to use. This will be in the “Set Roles and Permissions” menu on the Process Detail page of the process. The role should allow the users in it to have Run permission in Production publication status. You should be able to use an existing role.
- Suppress the "Save Draft" button from displaying on the form if possible, as the Guest user cannot use this function and may think their form was submitted correctly when it was not.
- This link has a fully developed example of an html page that allows Guest user access.
The base code is retrieved from the Process detail page of the relevant process you want to launch, via the “Links/API Options” menu.
You will need to add the guest parameter to the options object as shown in the example and also substitute your local Integrify license name in for the guest parameter’s value.
This is sample code only, please retrieve your local code from the process the Guest account will be accessing:
This code can be saved into a local .html file using a text editor. The resulting file can be opened in your browser to test if the code is correctly configured and if you have permissions set up correctly.
Embed the form that starts this process in an external site/app as seen below. The file must be located in the same domain as the Integrify server. (See file instructions below).
NOTE: Within the embedded code block you need to add a line since it is not automatically created in the API.
guest: "your_license_name here" //insert your local license name here
You get the license name from System Settings – System Config. License name = ID in System Config
You also need to update the base address of the servers identified in this file to match your Integrify installation's address (search for
Finally, this file needs to be colocated in the same domain as the Integrify server. For cloud customers, please contact our Support team to have this file uploaded and the team will inform you of the URL you will use to access this process.
<div id="integrifyWidget" style="height:700px; width:1000px;"></div>
<script language="javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="javascript">
var options = {
processSid: "9d42e0e4-51d8-4cc0-a9b3-194ddd35d54c", //change this to your process identifier
container: "integrifyWidget",
guest: "your_license_name here" //insert your local license name here
IntegrifyEmbedder.baseUrl = "";
var processForm = IntegrifyEmbedder.embedStartProcessForm(options, function(err, response){
// console.log(response);
//response == “saved” handles the case where the guest
// user clicks on the save draft button, if one is displayed
if (response == "saved" || response.next_tasks.length < 1) {
//location to redirect users to after completing form
location.href = ""; } if (response == "saved" || response.next_tasks.length < 1) { //location to redirect users to after completing form location.href = "";
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