The following is a guide to getting oracle working as a Database Source in Integrify. You will need remote desktop access to the application server that Integrify is installed on and an account with administrative privileges. Note that a reboot of the server may be necessary during setup.
Install Prerequisites
- Remote desktop into the application server
- Open up an administrative command prompt (right click "command prompt" and select Run as Administrator)
- Change directory to the location the integrify application is installed. The default would be C:\integrify\app\webserver
- run the following command:
npm install oracledb
- Download the Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable from the following link and install it on your application server: - Download the full Oracle Client installer from the following location. Unzip and run the installation: - When installing the client, the only thing that needs to be installed is the odp.net4 option and it's dependencies. It is recommended to use the the Built in windows account as the user. Also make sure you properly configure your tnsnames.ora when prompted during the installation.
- Reboot your server
Configure a Database Source
- From your workstation, log into Integrify as normal with an account having Administrator rights to Integrify.
- Select System Settings > Database Sources from the left navigation menu.
- Click "Add Connection" in the top menu
- Enter the details of the connection. Name and description can be entered at your discretion.
- The server field can be configured in one of two ways. If you are utilizing a tnsnames.ora file, you can use an entry from that file, or you can use the following format:
<databaservername or ip>\<Database Name> - Username and password are self explanatory
- Use Oracle as the provider
- Click 'Save'
You should now be able to use the Database Connection in the DB tab for questions that support it as wells as DB related task types.
NOTE: If you update your Integrify installation, you will need to rerun the npm install oracledb command after the Application is updated to restore functionality.
There are some troubleshooting steps here if you run into issues:
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